These links are for the benefit of woodworkers, so only woodworking links . will be accepted, please don't waste your time and mine with unrelated links.. About bench dog. bench dog was launched in the mid-nineties with the simple idea that great tools were the result of extensive experience, thoughtful design, and exacting engineering.. A site for all woodworkers from experienced to novice, offers plans, shop jigs and much information, including an online catalogue..
Well a month ago i received my craftsman 10 inch woodworking bench top bandsaw and i have to say that i like it. in my other shop i had in connecticut i had a jet 14″ bandsaw and boy that got a lot of use… great machine.. I'm ready to purchase a jointer. a bench jointer will best in my shop. i've read alot of mixed reviews on delta jointers, not much else. what is the best, and most affordable bench jointer?. Diy step by step woodworking project about park bench plans. building an outdoor bench with back support is easy, provide you use redwood, cedar or pine..