Actual fences, at least in my experience are made from planks, (ex. picket fences). the recipie could simply be changed to have 6 planks arranged in the same manner as the old recipie construct 3 fences, or less, i'm not terribly partial.. Stone tools. axe. an axe will get us wood and fruit tree saplings. it offers slashing damage when used as a unconventional weapon. endermen and zombies are weak against it, but using for such will take twice your durability per hit.. I really enjoy building with lumber. but it seems like a bit of a waste to me compared to the amount of planks i get from a tree.... this is somewhat unrea....
Hello crazy people of the interwebs this episode i show you guys how to make make logs planks using a stone axe and how to create a fire pit as well as charcoal i hope this tuorial is helpful and. What i suggest is in a manner similar to how you use place an ax and a log in your crafting pane to get wood planks, do the same thing with those wood planks. place a wood plank in there with the ax and get a handful of sticks.. Now that you can craft wooden planks and collect cobblestone, you can craft the stone tools you are used to. be sure to get at least a pick axe and a normal axe. this will allow you to gather more cobblestone and lumber..